

Hi, guys & gals... this topic has been asked several times...

Fat containing lesions on mammography
  • Hamartoma
  • Posttraumatic cyst/ Fat necrosis/ Oil cyst
  • Galactocele
  • Lipoma
  • Intramammary node

Descent of testis

Descent of testis:
At deep inguinal ring— 7th month of intra uterine life.
In inguinal canal — 8th month of intrauterine life.
At superficial inguinal ring — 9th month of intrauterine life.

Ectopic testis-testis abnormally placed outside its path

Retractile testis- in infancy 80% of inapparent testis are rectractile testis & require t/t
Undescended testis-  testis arrested in some part of its path to the scrotum
§  m.c. in preterm,small for gestational age, LBW, twin neonates
§  m.c. on right side
§  Secondary sexual characters – normal
§  Approx. 70—75% of cryptorchid testis spontaneous descent usually by 3 months of age
§  Most undescended testicles descend spontaneously, so that by one year of age, the prevalence decreases to <1% which is similar to that in adults
§  Spontaneous descent rare  after  age of 6 months -----  the optimal time for surgical correction is as soon as possible after  6  months
§  If a child comes at 7 months------- answer should be manipulation/examination followed by sugery.
§  Orchidopexy for cryptorchidism is done at age  -----------  6months-12 months (before 1 yr)
§  Complications of incomplete descent
o   torsion of testis
o   epididymo-orchitis
o   indirect inguinal hernia
o   atrophy
o   pain
o   sterility
o   malignancy


Food poisoning...


Food poisoning
incubation period

1-6 hrs
o    staph. Aureus

o    bacillus cereus—emetic type
diarrhea,vomiting,NO fever

vomiting>diarrhea,NO fever

meat,dairy products,poultry products

fried rice
8-16 hrs
bacillus cereus—diarrheal type

Cl. Perferingens

diarrhea,NO vomiting,NO fever

Diarrhea,NO vomiting,No fever

wide range--meat,vegetables,cereal


>16 hrs





diarrhea,vomiting,NO fever


diarrhea,fever,rarely vomiting

diarrhea,fever,rarely vomiting

diarrhea,fever,NO vomiting

wide range of food

sea food

beef,poultry,eggs,dairy products

potato salad,egg salad,raw vegetables

raw poultry milk


branchial anomalies- from anatomy to surgery

Branchial arches
§  Branchial apparatus appears around 4th wk of gestation
§  The structures of head are derived from 5 pairs of branchial arches, their intervening clefts externally, & pouches internally
§  At first there are 6 arches
§  5th arch disappears & only 5 are left ---------- no structure develops from 5th arch
§  Ventral ends of arches of both sides meet in midline
§  Endoderm lining inside forms---------- pouches
§  Surface ectoderm forms --------- clefts
§  Each branchial/pharyngeal arch contains------ skeletal muscle(cartilage that forms bone),striated muscle,nerve of arch,arterial arch
Derivatives of skeletal elements of arches
Cartilage of 1st arch
( Meckel’s cartilage )
§  maxilla , 
§  incus,
§  malleus,
§  anterior ligament of malleus (from sheath/perichondrium)

Cartilage of 2nd arch
(Reichert’s cartilage)
§  stapes,
§  styloid process,
§  stylohyoid ligament (from sheath/perichondrium),
§  smaller/lesser cornu of hyoid bone,
§  superior part of body of hyoid bone

Cartilage of 3rd arch
§  greater cornu of hyoid bone,

§  lower part of body of hyoid bone

Cartilage of 4th arch
§  thyroid cartilage,
§  epiglottic cartilage

Cartilage of 6th arch
§  Cricoids,
§  arytenoids,
§  Corniculate

Nerves & muscles of  pharyngeal arches
Muscles of mastication
§  Medial pterygoid
§  Lateral pterygoid
§  Masseter
§  Temporalis
Ant. Belly of Digastric
Tensor tympani
Tensor palate

Muscles of facial expression
Post. Belly of digastrics
Auricular muscles

all intrinsic muscles of soft palate including levator veli palatini

All intrinsic muscles of larynx except the cricothyroid muscle

Fate of clefts
§  1st ectodermal cleft------------ external acoustic meatus
Fate of pouches
§  1st endodermal pouch(& a part of 2nd ) ----------- tubotympanic recess---------- middle ear , auditory tube
§  2nd pouch---------- palatine tonsil
§  3rd pouch------- inferior parathyroid gland(so called parathyroid III), thymus
§  4th pouch ----------- superior parathyroid gland(so called parathyroid IV), some contribution to thyroid
Arteries of arches
Pharyngeal arch
2nd ("hyoid arch")
Right 4th aortic arch:subclavian artery
Left 4th aortic arch: aortic arch
Right 6th aortic arch:pulmonary artery
Left 6th aortic arch:Pulmonary artery andductus arteriosus

Foramen caecum at floor of pharynx  gives rise to --------- Median diverticulum-------- Thyroglossal duct---------- thyroid gland

Branchial anomolies
1st arch branchial remnants
§  located in front or back of ear or in upper neck in the region of mandible
§  Fistulas typically commence through the parotid gland & end in external auditory canal

2nd branchial remnants are m.c.

§  fistulas/sinuses with external opening along anterior border of sternocleidomastoid & internal opening at tonsillar fossa
§  Fistulous track passes b/w internal & external carotid arteries

3rd branchial cleft remnants—
§  No associated sinuses/fistula
§  Located in in suprasternal notch/ clavicular region
§  Most often contain cartilage & present as firm mass or subcutaneous abscess
§  Rarely sinus may occur which open internally into pyriform sinus

§  Branciogenic anomalies occur with equal frequency on each side of neck & 15% are bilateral
§  Fistulas & sinuses appear at birth
§  Cysts appear in late childhood & adults
§  Cysts are characteristically found  anterior & deep to the upper 3rd of sternocleidomastoid (inferior to the angle of mandible)
§  Sinuses & cysts are prone to become repeatedly infected producing cellulitis & abscess formation
§  Children ---------- fistulas>sinuses>cysts
§  Cysts are more common in adults BUT they may occur at any age
§  Adults ------ cysts > sinuses
§  t/t
o    All branchial abnormalities should be excised early in life
o    Complete surgical removal necessary
o    A series 2-3 small transverse incisions in stepladder fashion