
my recent bad habit

hi, i just want to say today that recently in the last 6 months i developed a bad habit of  sleeping too late in the nights (actually, sometimes next morning!!!) & waking up too late next day (sometimes 11   AM .....)......... its too bad for me .......... !!! I hope i improve ....


Autosomal Dominant Diseases
Autosomal Recessive
Majority of CNSdisorders except  Friedrich's Ataxia(AR)
All Neurocutaneous syndromes/ Phacomatoses  except Ataxia Telengectasia.
MODY 1(HNF 4 alpha)
Familial Melanoma
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
Darier's Disease
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Neurofibromatosis 1 and 2
Von- Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
acute intermittent porphyrias

Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Tuberous Sclerosis
MEN 1 & 2
Familial Adenomatous polyposis
hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer
familial ca breast
basal cell nevus
li-fraumeni syndrome
familial malignant melanoma
Von-willebrand disease

HNPCC / Lynch Syndrome
Gilbert's Syndrome
Alagille Syndrome
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Turcot's Syndrome
Gardner's Syndrome
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Long QT Syndrome
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Marfan Syndrome
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension(BMPR2 gene)
Adult AD Polycystic Kidney Disease
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia
Neurohypophyseal Diabetes Insipidus
Familial Hyperaldosteronism
Bartter's Syndrome Type 5 (1,2,3 and 4 are AR)
Liddle's Syndrome
Gordon's Syndrome / Pseudo-hypoaldosteronism Type II
(Note : Liddle's - HTN with hypokalemia, Gordon's-- HTN with hyperkalemia)
Malignant Hyperthermia / Central Core Disease

Hyperkalemic/hypokalemic Periodic paralysis
Familial Parkinsonism Disease
Spinocerbellar Ataxias
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
familial alzhiemer’s disease
malignant hyperthermia
familial fatal insomnia
Dystrophia Myotonica/ Myotonic Dystrophy
hereditary hemmorhagic talengiectasia
crouzon syndrome
osteogenesis  imperfecta
ehler’s danslos syndrome
male-limited pecociuos puberty
thyroid harmone resistance
Familial hypercholesterolemia
adult Polycystic ovarian disorders
Noonan Syndrome
Best Disease

 Majority of Inborn Errors of Metabolism
all lysosomal storage disorders except—fabry’s
all mucopolysacharidoses except—hunter’s
all aminoacidurias-------except  ocular albinism
all glycogen storage disorders except –hepatic phosphorylase
all metabolic disorders axcept------lesh nyhan,acute intermittent porphyrias,familial hypercholesterolemia
all immunodeficiency diseases except—chr. Granulomatous,wiskot Aldrich
glycogen storage disease
tay-sachs disease
gaucher’s disease
pseudocholinesterase def.
niemann pick disease
Canavan' s Disease
Refsum's Disease
Ataxia Telengectasia

Friedrich's Ataxia
Alpha-1- Anti Trypsin deficiency
Cystic Fibrosis
Thalassemia(alpha & beta)
Familial Mediterranean Fever
taste blindness
21-Hydroxylase deficiency
Bartter's Syndrome types 1,2,3 and 4 . (Type 5 is AD)(salt wasting, hypokalemia)
Gitelman variant of Bartter's (salt wasting, hypokalemia and HYPOMAGNESEMIA)
Wilson's Disease
Caroli's Disease
Hemochromatosis (HFE gene)
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
vit.D dependent rickets/type 1
child Polycystic ovarian disorders
Specific Granule Deficiency
MPO Deficiency
Sickle cell Anemia
Werner Syndrome
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (Zn Deiciency)
Kartagener's Syndrome
Gyrate Atrophy

X-Linked Dominant
X-Linked Recessive
Alport Syndome (Dominant inheritance) / Hereditary Nephritis Syndrome.
Incontinentia Pigmenti
type 2 rickets/Vitamin D Resistant Rickets / Hypophosphatemic Rickets

Double check before you study the following..
Rett syndrome
Coffin-Lowry syndrome
Aarsog Syndrome
Aicardi Syndrome
Idiopathic Hypoparathyroididsm
OTC Deficiency
Hemophilia A
Hemophilia B
G6PD Deficiency
Fragile-X Syndrome
Kallmann Syndrome
testicular feminization
X-linked agammaglobulinemia
chronic granulomatous disease
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
Red Green Colour blindness
Ocular Albinism
Lowe's Oculo-Cerebro-Renal Syndrome
Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome
chronic granulomatous disease
Hunter's Syndrome (MPS)
Menke's Kinky hair disease
Fabry's Disease
hepatic phosphorylase


stains in pathology

Staining of lipids ----------
m.c. method of demonstration of tissue lipids ---------- fresh frozen section

Non polar lipids
Unconjugated lipids
§  Fatty acids------ oil red O, sudan black, Sudan III, IV , cooper rubeanic acid
§  Free Cholesterol--------filipin , Per-chloric acid naphthoquinone(PAN)

§  Cholesteryl esters------Schultz
§  Monoglycerides & triglycerides------- Calcium Lipsae
Polar lipids
§  Glycerophospholipids/phosphoglycerides/Glycerol bases
o   Phosphatydylcholine/Lecithin --------- Nile blue sulfate, Gold hydroxamate
o   Phosphatydylserine--------- Nile blue sulfate
o   Phosphatidylethonolamine/Cephalins------------- Plasmal reaction, Gold hydroxamate
§  Sphingosine bases
o   Sphingomyelins------ferric hematoxylin
§  Glycolipids
o   Cerebrosides---------PAS
o   Sulfatides---------Acetone/ Toluidine blue
o   Gangliosides------PAS,Borohydride periodic Schiff(BHPS)

all lipids can be stained by ------- bromine sudan black
unsaturated lipids------- UV-Schiff
Lipofuschins ---- sudan black, Autofluoroscence
Stain for phospholipids-------Nile blue sulfate
Phosphoglycerides(lecithins & cephalins)-------------- gold hydroxamate
·         Routine stains
o   Oil red O
o   Sudan black B --------- most sensitive lipid stain
o   Bromine acetone
o   Sudan IV------- m.c. used
o   Sudan black
o   Nile blue sulfate
·         Free fatty acids------------Cooper rubeanic acid method
·         Free Cholesterol -------------Per-chloric acid naphthoquinone(PAN)
·         Proteoglycerides
o   Gold hexamine method
o   Fillipin method
o   UV-Schiff method
o   Osmium tetroxide method
·         Triglycerides --------------Calcium lipase method

§  Sudan black is the most sensitive lipid soluble dyes
§  Sudan black--------- greater affinity for phospholipids than other lysochromes-------- coloring neutral lipids/ triglycerides
§  Sudan black B stains --------- phospholipids, neutral lipids
§  Sudan IV / Scharlach R ------- triglycerides/neutral lipids, lipoproteins
§  Oil red O
§  Sudan III -------------- triglycerides , CNS tissues ,

PAS reactive cells and tissue components
§  Glycogen
§  Starch
§  Mucin
§  Basement membranes
§  Alpha-antitrypsin
§  Reticulin
§  Fungi capsule
§  Pancreatic zymogen granules
§  Thyroid colloid
§  Corpora amylacea
§  Russell bodies

Staining of carbohydrates
m.c.  used techniques for carbohydrates demonstration  ---------- PAS
§  PAS
§  Best’s carmine
§  Hexamine silver method
§  Langhan’s iodine
§  Diastase sensitive

mucopolysaccharides---------- Mucin stains

§  PAS
§  Alcian blue
§  Alcian blue-PAS technique
§  Dialysed iron-prussian blue technique
§  Hale’s technique
§  Mucicarmine -------- very specific for epithelial mucins
§  Azure A
§  Colloid iron
§  Toludine blue
§  Southgate’s mucicarmine

The types of mucopolysaccharides are as follows:

Neutral mucopolysaccharides
in glands of the GI tract, in prostate
Acid (simple, or non-sulfated)
mucins of epithelial cells containing sialic acid
Alcian blue at pH 2.5
Colloidal iron
Metachromatic dyes.

Acid (simple, mesenchymal)
contain hyaluronic acid and are found in tissue stroma
They can be found in sarcomas.
Alcian blue at pH 2.5
Colloidal iron
Metachromatic dyes
Digestion with hyaluronic acid

Acid (complex, or sulfated, epithelial)
found in adenocarcinomas.
Alcian blue at pH 1
Colloidal iron
Metachromatic stains

Acid (complex, connective tissue)
in tissue stroma, cartilage, and bone and include substances such as chondroitin sulfate or keratan sulfate.
Alcian blue at pH 0.5.

Most specific mucin stain----------mucicarmine, but it is very insensitive, so it is not really very useful.
Most sensitive stain for mucin --------- PAS
Colloidal iron stains -----------unpredictable.
Alcian blue stains------------ simple, but have a lot of background staining.

Acridine orange
Nucleic acid selective fluorescent cationic dye useful for cell cycle determination
Aldehyde Fuchsin
pancreatic islet beta cell granules
elastic fibers-- purple/black.
Alician Blue
Copper in stain produces blue color.
Acid mucins(sulfomuciins,sialomucins) /mucosubstances---- blue
(Nuclei will stain---- pink/red.
Cytoplasm ------ lighter pink. )
Hyaluroonic acid

Alizarin Red S
anthraquinone derivative
calcium in tissue
Alkaline Phosphatase
endothelial cells
(Sites of alkaline phophatase activity will appear red. Nuclei will stain blue)
Azure A
Acid mucins
Bielschowsky Stain
Silver is used in this histology staining process

reticular fibers
neurofibrillary tangles-----black
senile plaques------- stain black.
Colloid iron
Hyaluronic acid
Acidic mucins
Free nucleic acids

Cajal Stain
nervous tissue.
Congo Red
Amyloid-------- orange / red
Conklin staining
Uses malachite green
True endospores
Cresyl Violet
a Nissl stain
both neurons and glia
(acidic parts of cells such as ribosomes, nuclei and nucleoli)
Giemsa Stain
Romanowski type stain.
Methylene blue and eosin are used.

peripheral blood smears bone marrow parasites and malaria Erythrocytes stain pink/red Platelets and leukocytes stain blue
acidic components of the cell(cytoplasm & chromatin) pick up -----basic methylene blue
Golgi Stain
stain uses silver
argentaffin granules and melanin black (The nucleus will stain pink/red. The cytoplasm will stain light pink.)
Gomori Trichrome
mixture of three dyes
connective tissue and collagen green or blue
Nuclei will stain gray/blue/black.
muscle, keratin and cytoplasm red


Hematoxylin—basic dye
Hematoxylin binds acidic nucleic acids---- blue-purple
Eosin—acidic dye----- binds basic/-vely charged structures---- cytoplasm/muscle/connective tissue cationic amino groups on proteins---- pink/orange/red
With an H&E stain, mucus and cartilage will stain a light blue color.

Luna Stain

elastin and mast cells
Iron Hematoxylin
stain nuclei bluish/black.
Luxol Fast Blue
Myelin—blue black
Neurons ------- violet.
Red blood cells-------- blue.
Mallory Trichome
connective tissue to visualize collagen and reticular fibers
Movat's Pentachrome Stain

connective tissue
Masson Trichome.
uses light green, iron hematoxylin, and acid fuchsin.
differentiating cellular from extracellular items
on connective tissue.
Collagen fibers ----- green or blue
Muscle and keratin ---- red.
Cytoplasm ----- pink to red.
Nuclei ------ black

Acidic epithelial mucin---deep red

Nissl Stains------
basic dyes

Nissl body in neurons--------purple/blue.
Nuclear Fast Red
stains nuclei red
cytoplasm will be unstained or yellow

Oil Red O
This is a histology stain used for

Lipids---------- stain red.
Nuclei ---------- stain blue/black.
Orcien Stain
elastin fibers
Osmium Tetroxide
Used in optical microscopy to stain lipids
Collagen--- brown
Myelin--- black

Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS)
Basement memnbraes
Phosphotungstic Acid-Hematoxylin (PTAH)
Striated muscle fibres---blue
Nucleus------- blue

PicroSirius Red (polarized)
Prussian Blue

Ferric iron
Reticular Fiber Stain
uses silver salt.
Reticular fibres---- black
Romanowsky Stains
·         Wright's stain,
·         Giemsa stain
·         Jenner's stain
·         Leishman stain
These histology stains are based on a combination of eosin and methylene blue.

Bone marrow
Safranin O
Safranin O is sometimes used as a counterstain.

Mast cells
Silver Stains
Argyrphilic tissue-black
Melanin--- black
Reticular tissue—black
Sudan Stains
·         sudan black,
·         sudan IV,
·         oil red O.



Toludine Blue
Knee joint growth plate -------- purple
Van Gieson
sometimes used in conjunction with iron hematoxylin.
used to differentiate collagen and smooth muscle.

Cytoplasm-------- brown/yellow
Muscle=== brown/yellow
RBC------- yellow
Verhoeff Stain
Connective tissue
Elastic fibres---- dark brown/black
Lung tissues & arteries
Von Kossa Stain
Calcium/calcium deposits
Chondrocytes------ black
Blood smears
Bone marrow
Eosinophilic granules--- bright orange/red
Basophilic granules----- blue/black
Cytoplasm of lymphocytes------- pale blue
Platelets------ purple

Routine hematoxylin & eosin stain
§  Hematoxylin (blue & basic)--- stains negatively charged structures----- DNA & RNA
§  Eosin (pink & acidophilic)---------stains +ively charged structures --------- mitochondria

Protein staining
·         Alkaline fast green --------- basic proteins (Histidine, Protamines)
·         Paracetic acid- alcian blue------- cystine, cysteine, Arginine
·         Ninhydrin Schiff
·         Millon’s reaction
·         Diazotization coupling method for tyrosine
·         Performic acid alcian blue method for sulfide/disulfide bonds
·         DMB nitrite method
·         Modified sakaguchi method for arginine
DNA staining & demonstration
·         Fluorescent staining
·         FEULGEN reaction
·         In situ hybridization ----------- most sensitive
·         PCR
·         Naphthoic acid hydrazine fuelgen method
RNA staining & demonstration methods
·         PCR
·         Fluorescent staining
·         Methyl green pyronine method
·         Gallocyanin chrome alum
·         Acridine orange
Enzyme staining methods
§  Gomori calcium-------- ALP
§  Gomori Pb--------- ACP
§  Lead method---------- 5’N
§  Indoryl acetate------non-specific esterase
§  ACHase-----------?

Connective tissue stains
Commonly used stains
·         Masson’s trichrome
·         Von gieson’s method
§  Van gieson
§  Masson’s trichrome
§  Mallory’s aniline blue
§  Krajian’s aniline blue

·         Trichrome stains
·         PAS
·         Schmorl’s picrothionine method
·         Silver staining
·         Von kossa
·         Solochrome cyanine method
Neural tissue
·         Silver impregnation
·         Beilschowsky silver stain
·         PTAH
·         Cajal’s stain

§  Modified Gomori’s trichrome stain
§  Rapid gomori trichrome
§  Mallory’s PTAH
§  Heidenhain’s iron hematoxylin
Elastic fibres
§  Weigert’s
§  Verhoeff’s
§  Gomori’s aldehyde fuchin
§  Krajan’s method
Plasma cells
§  Methyl green pyronine
·         Congo red
·         Sirius red
·         Toluidine blue
·         Crystal violet
·         Thioflavin T

Mast cell granules
·         Toluidine blue
·         Azure A
·         PAS
·         Alcian blue safranin
·         Keratin/keratohyaline granules
·         Performic acid alcian blue

Acidic stains
Basic stains
Picric acid
Acid fuschin
Bismark brown

Acridine red
Aniline blue
Basic fischin
Crystal violet
Malachite green

Vital stains ------ which do not kill the cells
Supravital staining----for live organisms, cells retain vitality after staining
Supravital stains-------
·         alizarin red--------- for developing bone
·         toludine blue---------- for precancerous lesions in oral cavity

Intravital staining---------- cells removed from body &  loose vitality after staining
Intravital stains----------India ink preparation